Plank Exercise for Better Posture and Reducing Back Pain

The plank exercise is very effective to maintain balance, coordination, strengthening inner core, abdominals, diaphragm, pelvic floor, shoulders, upper back, etc. It is one of the best exercises to burn excess fat and improves posture. It is easy to perform everywhere just with the help of a mat. It can tight the hips, glutes and stabilizes the spine.
There are many versions of plank exercise for different purposes. It strengths the body and reduces the chances of back pain. The core muscles are an important part of the body and are involved in most of the movements. The strong core muscles are essential.
The core muscles are nothing but the muscles around the middle of your body. In case of back pain, any movement in arms or legs creates a ripple effect which is also felt in your back. Along with other muscles like pelvic muscles, these core muscles help in keeping the body straight and pain-free. These muscles provide much-required stability to the spine which is more prone to injury if adequate support is not provided by the body muscles.
Moreover, plank exercise helps in making daily movements easy. It increases the capacity to bend on your sides. You can do jumping, jogging and play baseball without fear in mind if your core muscles are strong enough. It helps in lifting the weights.
The hectic schedule and long working hours in the corporate and in other works cause back pain if the sitting posture is not right. The plank exercise helps to maintain that posture so that you can work for long hours. Practicing regularly plank exercise takes pressure from hips and spine and strengthens the core muscles which can help in avoiding injury to spine or back pain.
A good posture improves productivity, mood and body language even breathing. To get maximum advantages it should be practiced for longer stretches. Initially, you might hate it but slowly improve your performance.
Normal Plank Exercise
Follow the below simple steps.
Lie down on the ground on the stomach and then support your body weight on your elbows and toes.
Lower your forearms to the floor with elbows positioned under your shoulders and hands shoulder-width apart.
Arms should form 90 degree angle.
Step back your feet.
Maintain a straight line from head to knees.
Look down at the floor.
Tighten your abs and hold for 45-60 seconds.
Don’t look up or forward except downward at the floor.
Avoid sagging of hips.
Keep taking a normal breath.
Reverse Plank Exercise

Follow the below simple steps.
Sat down on the floor, spread legs in front of you
Spread fingers of your hands and place the palms on the floor just behind the hips and straight the shoulders.
By pressing the palms try to lift the hips and torso towards the upside.
Keep looking at the ceiling, point your toes and keep your legs and arms straights
Try to make a straight line from head to heels.
Squeeze your core and pull your belly button back towards the spine.
Hold the position for 30-35 seconds.
If hips begin to drop then lower yourself back to the floor.
Disclaimer and Precautions
The advice and content provided related to plank exercise are informatory. Please consult certified health workers and trainers. Don’t perform it if you have an injury.